Oriental Patron
Securities Limited

Settlement Information

Fund Deposit

Settlement amount can be deposited to the Oriental Patron Securities Limited in two ways:

1. Delivering of cheque or bank draft* to us
2. Direct deposit into the following designated bank accounts

Bank – HKD


Account number
Hang Seng Bank Ltd.
83 Des Voeux Road C,
Central, HK


The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. Ltd.
1 Queen’s Road Central, HK


Nanyang Comm. Bank Ltd.
151 Des Voeux Road,
Central, HK



Bank – USD

Account number
Hang Seng Bank Ltd.


Bank – CNY

Account number
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited


*All payments by cheque or bank draft must be made payable to: ORIENTAL PATRON SECURITIES LIMITED. You should also write down (i) client name, (ii) client account number and (iii) sign on the bank-in slip and fax it to our Institutional Equity Sales Department at 2842-5815 before 3:30 p.m. in order to have the deposit credit to your securities account valued the same day. For electronic trading client, please login our “eTrading” screen, you may click “Settlement” → “Cash Deposit” and then follow the instructions to enter the information and send it back to us after each deposit and fax it to our Institutional Equity Sales Department. After the deposit is validated, we will credit the funds into your electronic trading services account on the same day. You may click the “Portfolio” button to view your deposit status. You are encouraged to inform your designated account executive promptly after each deposit.

Fund Withdrawal

For clients who hold a bank account with HSBC, Hang Seng Bank, Nanyang Comm. Bank., we will deposit by cheque direct into your authorised bank account. Please send your cash withdrawal request to our Institutional Equity Sales Department before 11:00 a.m. For electronic trading client, please login our “eTrading” screen, you may click “Settlement” → “Cash Withdrawal” and then follow the instructions to enter the information and send it back to us or alternatively write a fax with your account number, withdrawn amount and signature (This sign must be same as your signature on Account Opening Form, then fax it to our Institutional Equity Sales Department.

For clients who hold a bank account with other banks, you can either pick up your cheque from us in person, or request us to remit the fund via CHATS or TT, or Investor/Securities Instruction (ISI/SI). Please send the detailed request to our Institutional Equity Sales Department before 11:00 a.m.

If client may withdraw the cash balance in renminbi, please fill the “Request for Change/reset of personal information” (which can be downloaded from our website) to register the renminbi bank account.

Foreign Exchange

Name of non-Hong Kong dollar currency

Buy Hong Kong dollars equivalent

Sell Hong Kong dollars equivalent
The information shown is for indication only. If you want to convert currency with OPSL, please check with OPSL for such service.

Corporate Actions - Voting Instructions and Corporate Representative/Proxy Instructions

For eligible client who wishes to vote or send his/her/its own personal/corporate representative to attend and vote on his/her/its behalf at a relevant meeting of a listed company, the client must complete and return the "VOTING / CORPORATE REPRESENTATIVE / PROXY REQUEST FORM" (which can be downloaded from our website) to our office at least 2 working days before the deadline for inputting voting instructions and Corporate Representative/Proxy instructions prescribed by Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (HKSCC) under Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) Rules.

Exchange Participant and Corporation licensed for Type 1 and Type 4 regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance with CE No. ABV570
Copyright © 2025 Oriental Patron Securities Limited. All Rights Reserved.